Tuesday 15 November 2011

I'm still here!

I've been away for ages and ages!  Time seems to be speeding along like the clappers with me scuttling to keep up;

  • a look of 'I'm being left behind' alarm writ across my face
  • one arm outstretched brandishing a splooshing mug of tea
  • the other arm full of crochet projects
  • strands of wool trailing behind me with interested cats in pursuit
  • hair in disarray. 

I can't believe how quickly time is swishing past.  Halloween and Bonfire Night have gone.  Gone!  It'll be Christmas next!

I've been busy crocheting.  Although, I feel like I'm crocheting in treacle - really slowly and not getting anything done.  I have been turning things into FOs but it hasn't felt like I have.  If that makes any sense!  So, I rummaged through my photos and here's what I've done recently...

Flower Granny Baby Blanket

Another One of These

Designed this ... American Star Afghan Block

Designed these Christmas Baubles

Made a load of these

Worked on my Slip Stitch Cowl pattern

That's not so bad really!


  1. You have been doing great! WOW. Much productivity when away from the computer. :)Glad to hear from you.

  2. Sometimes you have to take a good look to see what you've achieved! you've made some stunners recently all so pretty!
