Thursday 20 October 2011

Bosnian Crochet

Bosnian Crochet?  I first stumbled across the term a year or so ago.  To me, its a term of mystery, often called a million other names.

I googled and delved into Blog Land, waded there for some time and found a few pools of enlightenment and lots of arguments (Bosnian Crochet vs. Slip Stitch Crochet).  It seems, and I may be 100% Wrong, that Bosnian crochet is done in the round and slip stitch crochet is worked flat.  Either way, my interest was piqued so I grabbed my wool and hook and began...

That was ages ago.  I did some swatches and promptly forgot about making Something.  Yesterday, while rustling through the wool stash in search of inspiration I found this....

Nice yarn!  That'll look good in Bosnian whatsit,"  I thought to myself.  I settled down with tea and cats to come up with Something.  Before long, and with not too many swear words, I made this....


Slip Stitch Wine Bottle Cosy

You can purchase the pattern in my Ravelry store.  Or, click the linky thing below.

I've got another Bosnian pattern up my sleeve too and I plan on doing a tutorial on here At Some Point.

Hope you enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. That's really beautiful made.

    "I've got another Bosnian pattern up my sleeve too and I plan on doing a tutorial on here At Some Point."

    Waiting for it.

