Thursday 9 October 2014

Hexagons & Mathematicals

I've been busy making oh so many hexagons.  I've made 135 so far!  And, I haven't finished yet.  No Sir, I'm going to make a load more.

I'm making a 6ft by 8ft blanket and each hexagon measures 6 inches across so I'm going to be busy for ages.  Here's some half done hexagons...

The pattern is nice and straightforward so I can whip these hexes up while watching TV (Season 4 of The Walking Dead.  And yes!  I am prepared for the zombie apocalypse.  Are you?) with the cats on my lap. 

Here's how they look when finished.  Please excuse the weird colours I don't know what happened there.  My gadget sicked up some extra saturation from somewhere.

And here's a closer snap at those stitches...

While watching Daryl skin a snake on the tv it passed my mind that, apart from the fact that the snake looked unappetising, each hexagon takes a lot of stitches.  Each stitch I work automatically while my eyes are otherwise engaged.  I wondered how many stitches I've worked without looking.

Now mathematics is not my strong suit.  Quite the opposite.  Math (or mathematicals as I term it) and me do not mix well as a general rule but being struck with a sudden, and retrospectively perverse, curiosity I have worked out the numbers...

With the cunning use of calculators, face scrunching and swear words, I calculated that each hexagon requires 322 stitches.  I've made 135 which means...drum roll please...that I've worked 43,470 stitches so far!

Oh yes, that's right, 43,470 stitches while watching tv!  And some folk say watching tv is time wasting and lazy!

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