Monday 4 February 2013


Well, January is done and dusted already!  Time flies doesn't it?  I've been fairly busy this January.  I've made a few things, designed a few things, enjoyed the snow and started redecorating my craft room.

Here is a round-up of my January...

At the start of the year I completed my Stella Cushion design which is available on Ravelry, Etsy, Craftsy and Folksy.

Stella Cushion
Square Designs
I began working on a 10" afghan block.  Its not finished yet, I need to do a bit of uhming and ahing first.

10 inch block

I also designed a 4" block which also needs a bit of tweaking.  Here are my rough drafts so far.

4 inch block

New Crochet Throw Idea
I had a brainwave and rustled up this test swatch.  Pretty little flowers joined as you go.  All I need to do with this pattern is write it up and work out the yardage needed for a throw.  Oh, and make a throw of course!

New Flower Throw Idea

Close up of a flower
Entrelac Gloves
Remember these?  Cor, its been at least two years since I worked on the first glove.  I have, of course, lost my notes and I've used up the yarn for another project so have begun again with different yarn.  I'm using Cascade 220 Superwash and am in the middle of writing up the pattern.  I must hurry before Spring gets here!

Entrelac Glove - Pattern Progress

Yes!  We had a whole week of proper snow.  Not a light dusting, or a sleety mess, REAL snow.  It was great for the first day and then I realised it was a bit of a pain.  I was expecting two parcels of yarn and the postman didn't show up all week.  I must confess, I was a little despairing.  Nothing should get between a woman and her wool.  I consoled myself with sledging and building a mighty fine snowman.

The Snow.  See?  Real snow!!!

Eventually, snow was replaced by Welsh rain.  Welsh rain doesn't mess about, it pours and keeps on pouring.  The beautiful snow disappeared and, wonder of wonders, the postman arrived.

After the snow came yarn

I've made a few commissioned blankets too, you can order them at Cumbrian Country Crafts.

Starburst Toddler Blanket

Starburst Single (Twin) Blanket - In Progress

And that's about it for January.  I'll show you before and after photos of my craft room soon too.  I moaned about the mess I was working in ages ago and now I'm on the verge of having a proper Room of Wonder!!!  All to myself!  Eeee!

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