Sunday 14 October 2012

Autumn Scarf #2

I finished my Dexter scarf, BUT, I haven't plucked up the courage to sew in all the ends.  Here it is waiting patiently for me to get the sewing needle out and tidy it all up...

Dexter Scarf - Oh the ends!

Thanks for all your lovely comments about it, I'll get it finished soon!

Since April, I've been working on a book of crochet patterns!  Eeeee!!!  I've been so excited about it and have absolutely loved designing all the squares.  I can't wait for it to be in print.  Here is the US version and here is the UK version.  I decided to use Cascade 220 yarn for the patterns in the book and can't thank the Cascade folks enough for their support.

When I'm designing, there tends to be a lot of unravelling and remaking so I ended up with a bucket full of little tiny hanks of yarn that I wanted to do something with.

Little Tiny Hanks of Yarn

More tiny hanks of yarn

I did a bit of umming and ahhing before starting Autumn Scarf #2 using the little tiny hanks.  Here it is so far...

Autumn Scarf #2 in progress

Zoomed in on Autumn Scarf #2

Zoomed out on Autumn Scarf #2
I'm so excited about this scarf and the little flowers are easy to make.  It's going to be absolutely delicious!  There will be lots of sewing in of ends but, definitely worth it.  Will keep you posted on how it progresses.

Happy Hooking!


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