Sunday 22 April 2012

I'm still alive - honest!

Well, I've been away for ages again!  I haven't been idly twiddling my thumbs though.

I've had a week in the Peak District...

View towards Mam Tor

Mam Tor

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Plus, I finished the mammoth cable knit throw!  Phew!  It took me ages to finish, here's a blurry photo...

Celtic Twine Throw
And, I haven't missed out on crochet.  I've rustled up some patterns that are in my To Do basket which I hope to finish soon and I've been playing with some old patterns in new colours.

Hope you are all having lots of hooky fun!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that scenery. Fantastic, did you climb up! Love your knitted throw and those cute little granny squares.
