Tuesday 20 September 2011

Camping: Mud, Rain, Leaks

Well, we thought camping would be a great idea. Unwind, de-stress and relax. That was the idea.

We packed our itty, bitty car to the rafters and set off into a cloud of drizzle.

We avoided two-mile queues on the M4, and sailed along the M5 with wide grins. The clouds parted, the sun appeared. Beautiful blue sky sparkled above us....until we entered Exmoor National Park.

It poured and poured. Then poured some more. Huge, soggy rain drops descended. Big, nasty puddles edged the roadside. Our smiles became grimmaces as we voiced certainties of "brighter later" to one another.

Eventually, we arrived at our destination. My Handsome Man received a bite from the farm dog as he paid for our stay. :( It was still pouring.

Next, we pitched our tent in a pool of mud and got covered in the stuff and drenched through. I have found mud in my hair and eyebrows.

On the plus side, our tent is up and almost watertight. Only two minor leaks, one right above my chair. The view is wonderful and the toilet block is new and clean. My socks have stopped squelching. And, most importantly, my crochet and wool, our bedding and jim jams are dry. :)

We have had fish and chips and are currently sipping wine. I've toasted the weather gods and expect glorious weather in the morning. I expect to drink my morning cuppa in sunshine gazing at the fabulous view (picture to follow).

Hope you are all warm and dry. X


  1. Ah the complete joy of camping! We've spent many a holiday squelching through mud and living in wellies, but when the sun comes out (and it will)how lovely to be able to sit outside drinking a morning cuppa!
    Hope your toast to the weather gods works. ♥

  2. Thanks Sue! My toast worked - the sun came up in the morning!
